Research Objectives


  1. Increase Student Sense of belonging by creating a welcoming environment through a bridged Pima Community College and University of Arizona learning community and culturally responsive mentoring
  2. Improve academic achievement at the University of Arizona by providing individualized support and academic and financial guidance
  3. Increase interest in STEM careers through early career planning and relevant experiential learning opportunities


Our objectives are accomplished through a three-year program structure:

Year 1 Pima Community College (scholars begin receiving program support as they are completing their last year at Pima Community College)

  • Strong academic and personal support to balance school/life, develop successful academic strategies and gain confidence in STEM career options
  • Career Planning Workshops
  • STU 210 STEM Transfer Strategies
  • Support from Pima Community College Faculty Mentor and University of Arizona Faculty Mentor
  • Guidance and assistance with submitting applications to research programs or internships
  • Meet monthly with peer mentor

Year 2-University of Arizona (scholars have now transferred to the University of Arizona)

  • SCI 297 B Research Readiness
  • Support from their University of Arizona Faculty Mentor
  • Meet biweekly with their peer mentor
  • Scholars experience 6+ weeks of research shadowing or conduct a research review
  • Receive guidance and support related to study skills, time management, and connecting with faculty
  • STEM Tutoring

Year 3-University of Arizona

  • Ongoing guidance and support related to study skills, time management, and connecting with faculty
  • STEM Tutoring
  • Support with applications to graduate schools or jobs
  • Opportunity to be a Peer Mentor or learning coach

During our three-year program structure, scholars continue to receive ongoing opportunities to build community with faculty and other STEM transfer students. Scholars continue to receive support from professional staff, they attend program workshops and events, and receive scholarships.


What Our Scholars Are Saying About Pima-UAZ STEM Bridge:

  • “Tight community with students who are highly motivated, pursuing same career paths”
  • “Definitely peer mentoring”. It helped me a lot over the year, and I do appreciate it so much.”
  • “Lab shadowing/research shadowing.”
  • “The unique classes were integral to my success in STEM as I transferred; I was really lost and overwhelmed by the university and they helped put me on track and give me a lot of guidance going forward.”
  • “Everybody here is highly motivated to change their lives and pursue a STEM career.”
  • “One unique program element is the bringing together of community college transfer students that are specializing in a STEM field. Other resources on campus are great, but it was nice to be a part of a group of students that share the same experience of transitioning from a small college to a large university campus. Getting accustomed to the classes was difficult my first year, but it was comforting knowing that my ASEMS classmates were struggling as well and felt the same. I guess it’s the sense of community that makes ASEMS special and is not found in other campus programs.

Pima-UAZ STEM Bridge Persistence:

As of fall 2024, 91% of the original Pima Community College students are either persisting with a STEM degree or have graduated with a STEM degree from the University of Arizona.