Pima-UAZ STEM Bridge

AZ HSI Evidence-Based Practice

The PIMA-UAZ STEM Bridge program is pleased to announce its recognition as a highly successful evidence-based practice by the AZ HSI Consortium. We were selected as an example of “what works for Arizona HSIs!” The AZ HSI Consortium intentionally supports conditions necessary to facilitate successful college access, persistence, retention, transfer, and degree attainment for Latinx students in Arizona, particularly by highlighting evidence-based practices that produce positive student outcomes with special attention to culturally affirming and validating educational environments. The STEM Bridge Project has shown strengths in empowering our scholars’ STEM identity and success in STEM majors through: creating inclusive STEM communities through culturally responsive faculty and peer mentors; engaging scholars in undergraduate research opportunities; and providing a carefully cultivated set of academic, social, and administrative/procedural support services This has led to a high transfer rate of 98% and a strong three-year persistence rate of 87%, compared to only 57% of Pima Community College STEM transfer students from low-income households who transfer to the University of Arizona. This has contributed to increased rates of Pima Community College students transferring into, persisting in, and completing STEM majors at the University of Arizona.

Learn more about AZ HSI Consortium event based practices

Our Majors

The Pima-UAZ STEM Bridge program is composed of scholars from a diverse set of STEM majors. Our scholars represent over 35 majors within the following fields: Biological Science, Physical Science, Mathematical Science, Computer and Information Science, Geoscience, and Engineering. You can view the specific majors within each field below.

Learn more about the Pima-UAZ STEM Bridge program for students.
Learn more about the Pima-UAZ STEM Bridge program for faculty mentors.

Learn About Our Pima-UAZ STEM Bridge Peer Mentors

Student Staff in ASEMS have extensive opportunities to develop and enhance the following skills and qualities:

  • Verbal/Written communication
  • Leadership
  • Collaborative Work
  • Event planning
  • Record keeping and documentation
  • Networking Facilitation
  • Assisting in teaching classes

ASEMS Peer Mentors are compensated with 3 upper-division units of independent study with an ABCDE grade


Monetary compensation through the programs or through work study

Peer Mentors commit 10-12 hours per week to ASEMS activities. They hold one-on-one biweekly meetings with an assigned group of program participants to provide guidance to program participants of similar or related fields as they transition into the University of Arizona and as they explore career options and opportunities in their STEM field(s). Our Peer Mentors attend staff trainings, they carry oneself as a role model with behavior, language, and attitude.

Peer Mentors

Joelle Beyst headshot

Joelle Beyst

Pre-psychological science

Peer Mentor for Cohort 2 Students

Danielle Cunes headshot

Danielle Cunes

Computer Science

Peer Mentor for Cohort 2 Students

Trisha Jean Lane headshot

Trisha Jean Lane

Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering

Peer Mentor for Cohort 3 Students

Ariadna Rivera Gutierrez headshot

Ariadna Rivera Gutierrez

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Peer Mentor for Cohort 3 Students