Teckla Dominguez


College of Science - Geosciences

How did the Pima/UArizona program support and contribute to your success as you pursued STEM at UArizona?

I know myself well enough to know that I wouldn't have made it this far. Without the encouragement and support from the program I would have stopped at my associates degree. I would have drawn myself inward during the transfer process and just stopped. There were several moments of panic that the Pima-UAZ program staff pulled me out of and pushed me through. This program is the reason I am here and graduating.

How did receiving mentoring support from a STEM faculty member positively contribute to your success in STEM as a student at UArizona?

How could I ever tally up the impact that my mentors had on me? Kevin Hainline helped me through some of the most difficult steps along my journey. He made me feel like I belong at the University of Arizona. He encouraged me to stand up and follow my dreams. I watched him succeed in an incredible way when the James Webb Space Telescope launched. He still made time to meet with me on zoom when he was at a conference in Mexico. My success was just as important to him as that telescope. He showed me how far I could go. He showed me a world of possibilities.

How did the mentoring you received in the Pima/UArizona STEM Bridge program positively contribute to your overall STEM identity and career goals?

I have really bad imposter syndrome. But having a mentor that has walked the same path as me helped me realize that I belong in STEM and that I am smart enough, and strong enough, and focused enough to do all the things I wanted to do and that I can do them because I belong.

Tell us about your post-graduation plans, what are your post-graduation plans, and how did the Pima/UArizona STEM Bridge program support these future endeavors?

My post-graduation plans are to continue my research on the Cascadia Subduction Zone and finish writing my book based on the research. I also plan on getting into the sustainable geological resources industry. Where I can work to improve the impact that we are having on the environment by finding alternative methods and mitigation. Everything that I have done and everything that I have dreamed of is because I had the support of the Pima-UAZ STEM Bridge program, I owe so much of my success to the program. I will forever be grateful for the support and encouragement I have received.

Teckla Dominguez
Geosciences B.S. Undergraduate Student
Pima-UAZ STEM Bridge Peer Mentor
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Member