Kristina Raygoza


College of Agriculture & Life Sciences - Microbiology

How did Pima/UArizona program support and contribute to your success as you pursued STEM at UArizona?

The scholarship, without that it would not have been possible to achieve my goals! While the mentorship helped me get through my tough times and being able to know that I have someone to talk to and get resources from. This program truly cares and supports its students!

How did receiving mentoring support from a STEM faculty member positively contribute to your success in STEM as a student at UArizona?

They gave me an outlet to speak about my frustrations or challenges that I am either facing in my home life or with my school work. They also were able to help me find the resources that I needed in order to succeed.


How did the mentoring you received in the Pima/UArizona STEM Bridge program positively contribute to your overall STEM identity and career goals?

The mentoring I received helped me with my career goals by helping me not give up on my academic goals because, without a degree, there is no career!


Tell us about your post-graduation plans, what are your post-graduation plans, and how did the Pima/UArizona STEM Bridge program support these future endeavors?

I plan to work in the industry for a year, then I plan to pursue my Ph.D. in microbiology.