Our goal is to increase the completion of STEM bachelor’s degrees by promising undergraduates with demonstrated financial need who are transferring from community colleges.

Learn more about the success of the project and the personal journeys of a few of the students who benefited from the STEMBridge scholarships and programming

The University of Arizona’s College of Education and the STEM Learning Center in partnership with Pima Community College (PCC) launched a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded S-STEM Project, “Bridging Faculty and Student Cultures: Culturally Responsive Support for STEM Students Transferring between Two- and Four-Year Hispanic Serving Institutions”.


The overall goal of the Pima UAZ STEM Bridge program is to create a culturally responsive, bridged Community of Practice (CoP) between 2- and 4-year Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI’S) to raise persistence and graduation rates of low-income, academically talented community college (CC) students pursuing and transitioning into STEM majors at 4-year institutions. The Track 3 project is a full collaboration between Pima Community College (PCC) and University of Arizona (UA), both HSI’s in Tucson, Arizona. Expected outcomes include a transfer rate of 93/100%, a 1-year retention rate at UA of 97%, and 3-year graduation/STEM graduation in STEM rates of 90%.



  1. Increase student sense of belonging by creating a welcoming environment through a bridged PCC-UA learning community and culturally responsive mentoring
  2. Improve academic achievement at UA by providing individualized support and academic and financial guidance
  3. Increase interest in STEM careers through early career planning and relevant experiential learning opportunities

Funding Overview

  • 94 low-income students who demonstrate achievement, talent, and commitment will receive scholarships during their last year at PCC and first 2.5 years at UA
  • An estimated 626 semester scholarships will be awarded over the project

Student Recruitment Overview

  • Participants who are pursuing an Associate of Science and intending to transfer into a UA STEM major (biological sciences, physical sciences, mathematical sciences, computer and information sciences; geosciences; engineering) will be recruited at PCC from STEM classes, clubs, and programs.

Program Support Activities:

  • Faculty and peer mentoring
  • A learning community
  • STEMpath guide maps
  • Financial aid workshops
  • Career panels
  • Individualized counseling pre- and post-transfer with a Program Advisor for support on academic matters, personal goals and challenges, and career choices
  • Sense of belonging interventions
  • A STEM transfer class
  • Research Readiness class focused on success strategies, STEM career and research exploration, applying to industry and research internships, research skills, and lab shadowing.

Program Services

During Students' Last Year at Pima

  • Scholarship up to $3500 (fall) and $4500 (spring)
  • UAZ and PCC STEM Faculty Mentor
  • UAZ STEM Peer Mentor
  • Individualized support from STEM program advisor
  • Transfer guidance and planning
  • Connection to community of STEM peers

At UArizona

Program structure will match that of our ASEMS Transfer program, but with the following additional benefits:

  • Scholarship of up to $5,000 per semester (up to 5 semesters)
  • Research shadowing experience
  • UAZ STEM Faculty Mentor
  • Individualized support from ASEMS Student Support Specialist

If you would like to support Pima Community College transfer students with aspirations to pursue STEM, please support continued scholarships by donating to the Pima STEM Bridge Program Fund.

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